Welcome to the database!

New edit fields : Change your website URL (Can't believe I forgot that.)
New features: Chat
Are you looking for a costumizable live chat solution to your website? Visit my Buymeacoffee and be a supporter to get a private chat for your website and more!.
New fields: Email code to confirm account. Unconfirmed accounts will be deleted at the end of the day.
Users can change their email while logged in. Users can now retrieve their account while logged out, provided they have an email registered in the account.
Users can now bump their position once a week by clicking the bump button below the edit button.
reCAPTCHA has been removed and is being replaced with hCAPTCHA.
Enjoy the new Windows 95 inspired theme.
Chrome login is working.
Welcome to the beta version of "Web Database"
[name is not final]
I know, I know...
Design-wise, it might not be the most polished right now, but it's okay, it will be.
I'm working hard to improve it as we finalize the server-side code.
Hopefully, everything is straightforward.
Just a friendly reminder:
- The Description field supports HTML and inline CSS.
- You can edit the cards you've created, with a limit of 3 cards per user.